
Engineering over enforcement

In my introductory physics class, we replicated calculations by the Nobel Prize-winning physicist after whom our department was named. After returning from the Manhattan Project, this professor became frustrated by a common problem at the university and set about fixing it with physics. His invention worked and is now found ubiquitously on campus - and worldwide. The issue was speeding cars, and his invention was a speed bump. Drivers can ignore a speed limit but can’t miss a speed bump.

I live in NYC, a city that announced a "Vision Zero" initiative in 2014 seeking to end pedestrian deaths from cars. In the almost decade since, the pledge has meant more marketing than results. For instance, the city requires every Uber to "have a Vision Zero Sticker on the windshield to pass inspection." I assumed that "Vision Zero" was a political talking point rather than an achievable reality - until I went to Oslo.

Oslo is somewhat tiny, comparable in population to Denver (9 pedestrian deaths in 2022) or Memphis (83 pedestrian deaths in 2022). Yet, since 2019, Oslo has had zero pedestrian deaths from cars and zero bicycle deaths.

Oslo became a safe city for pedestrians and cyclists by doing more than mandating stickers in Ubers. While there last month, I researched more about how they achieved such a safe city. I found a mental model that applies to more than city planning - "Engineering Over Enforcement."

Enforcement philosophy is rooted in the idea that behavior can be controlled by threatening punishments. Engineering philosophy believes that infrastructure can be designed to incentivize desired behavior. When Oslo sought to reduce pedestrian deaths, it turned to engineers.

Traffic intersections are a typical and illustrative example of how somebody can apply different philosophies.

Traffic lights are an example of enforcement - when a signal is red, nothing physically stops a car from going through the intersection. The only thing enforcing proper behavior is the fear of a crash or a ticket. When rules get broken at traffic lights, the resulting accidents tend to be high-speed T-bone crashes that can easily prove fatal. People used to traffic lights may think that the way they work seems reasonably obvious, but Americans may be surprised to learn that "right turn on red" is illegal in most of Europe (and in NYC). "Red means stops, green means go" may also seem simple, yet it fails for the colorblind - and one in twelve men is red-green colorblind. Traffic lights are not as legible as they may appear.

When enforcement doesn't achieve its desired outcome, the only option is more enforcement. New York City began automating red light enforcement with cameras in 1994 to try to curb the problem of drivers ignoring the rules of intersections. Yet, in 2022 - the city cameras issued 618,000 red light violation tickets - showing that enforcement often fails to eliminate the problem.

Roundabouts serve the same function as traffic lights but follow an engineering philosophy in their design. Roundabouts can be confusing to first-time drivers, but that's a benefit. People slow down, maintain awareness, and can understand the basic rules intuitively. It's simple – "slow down because your path is blocked, and merge when there's space." This engineering means that accidents tend to happen less often in roundabouts, and the ones that do occur tend to be low-speed fender-benders. Plus, roundabouts work without electricity, are faster for drivers, and don't rely on ticket-sending robots.

Intersections are one small example where philosophies can diverge. But, as I learned in Oslo, engineers have a whole toolkit of methods to make cities safer. Bumping out a curb slows down turning speeds and protects pedestrians. Bike lanes can be safer by being raised above the street instead of relying on a painted barrier. Limiting how far cars can see ahead of them slows them down. Behavior can be designed rather than just enforced, and in aggregate these small changes can make a city safer.

I found that as a pedestrian, Oslo felt pleasant. I didn't need to look for as many signs to avoid getting hit by a car. Crosswalks were easier to navigate. But, at the same time, the city didn’t feel rule-heavy – there were areas where the city chose an enforcement philosophy over an engineering one. For instance, the NYC subway uses fare gates (engineering!) to ensure riders pay. But, in Oslo, the metro had no gate - I could board the train unencumbered, and occasional fare inspectors enforced tickets. I think enforcement works best when most people follow the rules, and you don’t want to impede everybody to correct a few outliers needlessly.

My takeaway from the "Engineering Over Enforcement" philosophy is that rules must be obvious. Whether you’re building a road or an application, assume that most people will not read or pay attention to the terms. People are distracted by push notifications, chat messages, emails, phone calls, music, and more - so you probably don't have their full attention while they are using your product. (And, unfortunately, the same is true while people are driving).

Looking back, it turns out that I learned the benefits of engineering over enforcement many times while building Moonlight, an engineering marketplace. We originally made our money by charging a success fee upon hiring somebody through the website. But, people would often claim ignorance of the fee after making a hire. We even tried including an e-sign contract for companies in their signup process to make it evident that we were entering a legal relationship - and people would still later claim not to know the rules. I wrote in the past that "suing customers isn't a viable growth strategy," and we followed this at Moonlight by switching from enforcing a success fee to engineering an upfront subscription before accessing candidates. Users found this approach more legible, and changing to a subscription led to a 300% increase in revenue.

The next time you cross a speed bump, slow down and appreciate that it's an elegant engineering approach to control speeds. It doesn’t take police, laws, signs, or robotic camera machines to control speed. It's universal of design standards and unit of measurement. And, it makes for a fun homework assignment in physics class.

Community-powered media companies

On a recent Arvid Kahl podcast, Channing Allen described as a "community-powered media company." It's been weeks since I listened to the episode, but that idea of a community-powered media company has stuck with me because it clearly describes a shift I've also observed. Community-powered media companies represent a fragmentation of social networks into smaller, focused communities where any member can contribute.

The Creator Model

The classic creator model involves one person creating content and a community of readers who consume it. A great example of this model is Substack, where authors broadcast posts to their audience. The passive follower model has long been successful but requires ongoing content creation to maintain audience engagement. These businesses tend to lack network effects because the creator's content doesn't improve as the number of readers increases.

Creator media model: A creator broadcasts to readers

The Community Model

Indiehackers started as a creator-led model, but they allowed others to post over time. Now, the site is predominantly community-created content. Community members share on Indiehackers because they can engage like-minded people without building a personal audience. Nobody likes shouting into the void. For Indiehackers, this approach creates more content from more perspectives and shifts the burden of content creation from the site owners to the community. Plus, discussions create nested engagement opportunities on posts, so interested readers can converse instead of just reading.

At the core of the community model, a group of community members talks to each other, and the rest of the community follows those discussions. However, these communities can harness network effects because as the community grows, it has more content, making it more compelling to join. More content creates a data opportunity to find and broadcast only the best information to each member, which can further increase engagement and retention.

Community media model: Multiple creators broadcast to readers

1% Rule and Minimum Viable Community

The key to community-led media is making it easy to follow the content. While making Moonlight, I spent a lot of time coding buttons and app interfaces. But one day, I looked at the data and realized that our newsletter had ten times as many weekly active users as our entire website. It turned out that the newsletter was the product for most people, and only a highly engaged minority logged into the website.

This engagement distribution is typical – the 1% rule states that, in most internet communities, 1% of users create content, 9% engage with content, and 90% consume content silently. Lack of engagement is a problem many people encounter with community building – but the core issue is that most people prefer to consume passively.

To bootstrap a new community, the creator needs to embrace being an active creator of content, and as a rule of thumb, you need a thousand members to have about ten active creators. So, the community media company starts as a creator-led model; then, over time, it can shift to a community-led model.

This distribution between creators and readers explains why chat-based communities tend to decrease in engagement over time. Chat makes posting easy, but following a chat-based community engenders constant context shifts. Opening and reading hundreds of messages in dozens of channels is tedious, not enjoyable. And, as a community grows, most people want to glean only the highlights of discussions.

Infrequent Contributors

One of my favorite parts of community media is the infrequent contributors. With creator-led media, the creator has to make content, even if they don't have anything to share. In community media, the contributors can change day-to-day. The FRCTNL community is a good example, where a member may have a job post to share every 3-6 months. That's not enough to build their own Substack around. But, by joining a community, they can stay engaged as a reader and then, every few months, become a contributor by posting a job in the group. Even though their posting may be infrequent, it adds value to the community. And, across all readers, the occasional contributors add up to valuable content, which tends to be organic and high-quality.

Community media model over time: Contributors move between being a reader and a contributor

Hybrid Approaches

Many creator-led businesses have explored adding a community to keep readers engaged, especially the most active members who want to contribute. For instance, Lenny's Newsletter runs a Slack community for subscribers. For years, he's used the community to craft an additional "Community Wisdom" email every Friday, separate from his core essays.

This approach of adding a community to existing creator-led businesses will become more common. The hybrid content strategy keeps more readers engaged and active while recognizing community members for their contributions. And, it can reduce stress on the creator by providing feedback and ideas on their work.

Lenny’s Newsletter does community media correctly by summarizing activity in an email instead of relying on chat as the primary consumption method. By curating a short weekly email, all readers can follow the community without reading every message. But, it’s a lot of work to curate this community summary – manually monitoring chat, curating content, and writing posts. Lenny seems to have a separate person focus on the community media emails, but that’s not an accessible solution for most creators.

For most readers, "community" is a read-only channel, not an app they want to log into. This dissonance explains why apps such as Discord and Circle have struggled to gain traction in the creator-led space - they focus so much on getting members into their apps that they alienate the people who want just casually to follow.


I've recently launched Booklet as a community software platform. I began building it as an asynchronous alternative to Slack by focusing on threaded discussions instead of chat and a daily email summary instead of constant push notifications.

As I've run Booklet communities and helped others run theirs, I've realized that the "Community-powered media" model works well with Booklet. Some people talk, but everybody can follow discussions through the email summary. The threaded posts keep discussions organized for easy browsing, and Booklet's use of OpenAI means that summary emails stay brief and high-quality, even as the number of posts scales.

Many community managers may hesitate to consider themselves “media companies.” But, as I’ve talked to Booklet users, I’ve realized that many people find a sense of belonging by following the conversations in a community. They feel an identity alignment with the group and don’t want to engage frequently. However, the periodic email summary helps them decide when to jump in and contribute.


As Facebook slowly dies and as Twitter X continues to be a dumpster fire, people are seeking more niche communities where they can participate. While synchronous chat communities worked during the pandemic, as people emerged from lockdowns, they lost interest in sitting in front of a chat app all day. Creators have already figured out that asynchronous content engages their audiences, and more will realize that they can turn their audience into a community.

If you have an audience or community and are looking for a way to engage them, send me an email. I’m working on some Booklet features to automate some steps for adding a community to an existing business, such as automatically syncing subscribers from Substack and Stripe. I hope these Booklet features help more people build communities that keep people engaged without making them feel overwhelmed.

Booklet's architecture

Booklet is a modern email group software from Contraption Company. Think "Google Groups," but with a modern interface and features. If you haven't tried Booklet, here is a 3-minute video showing how it works.

In this post, I'll share technical details about how I built Booklet. I'll cover the architecture, the technology stack, and the infrastructure. I'll also share some of the lessons I've learned.


I'm Philip - owner of Contraption Company, which makes dependable software tools such as Booklet. I've been building software products for over a decade, ranging from dorm room hacks to enterprise software to startups. I've coded in dozens of different languages and frameworks. Over time, I've developed an appreciation for boring technology that just works.

I built my last startup, Moonlight, with Go, gRPC, Kubernetes, and a Vue.js single-page app. While it was fun to use cutting-edge technologies, it was a pain to maintain them, and new developers had to learn a lot of new tools before becoming productive. I wasted time rebuilding common patterns and integrations that I could have gotten for free with a more established stack. I also found that the cutting-edge tools were often less reliable, and I spent much time debugging issues I wouldn't have had with more mature tools. In particular, maintaining the versions and dependencies of frontend frameworks can feel like a full-time job (especially when using Next.js).

In developing Booklet, I aimed for simplicity in tool selection, aligning with Contraption Company's philosophy of dependability. I seek to create software that remains functional for decades and is easily maintainable by future developers. Hotwire, a minimalistic framework for dynamic and real-time frontends from the creator of Rails, largely influenced my adoption of Rails. In most modern web applications, the backend and frontend are separate in language, framework, and logic. Hotwire feels like an extension of the backend, which reduces the context from two frameworks to one - making development faster and more enjoyable. (Knowledge workers grossly underestimate the costs of context switching.)

Contraption Company's other main product, Postcard, is also built in Rails. It's a similar stack, but I learned some valuable lessons from Postcard. Specifically, Postcard hosts on Render, and I chose a different host for Booklet because I found that Render's DDOS protections slowed down requests by hundreds of milliseconds each, which didn't work well with server-rendered HTML. I recommend Render for apps with simple frontends, but I wanted something faster and more flexible for Booklet.

The secret is that Booklet started before Postcard, back in 2020. The original iteration of Booklet hosted all communities on the same domain. This year, I decided to restart Booklet with a multi-tenant architecture, taking more of a B2B approach to the product and adding the core functionality of custom domains. As you browse the code, you'll see that all of the code references bklt instead of booklet. The naming follows this pattern because booklet was the old repo, and bklt the new one. (I was listening to bzrp when I picked the name.)


Ruby on Rails is the coding framework powering Booklet. I first used Ruby on Rails in 2011, then didn't return to it for ten years. When I did, I discovered a newfound appreciation for its omakase approach because everything worked together, including testing, caching, and internationalization. In addition, Booklet has a slightly complex permissions system. I prefer to use server-rendered HTML with complex permissions systems because it avoids duplicating logic between the backend and frontend.

Instead of a complicated frontend, I rely on Stimulus and Turbo from the Hotwired framework. These tools lightly enhance server-rendered HTML. But, the simplicity allows me to go deeper - for instance, by building real-time support into Booklet, which I would never have done with a more complicated frontend.

Here is a simple architecture diagram of Booklet. In this section, I'll explain the basic setup, and later I'll go into more advanced details about the configuration.

Basic Booklet architecture
  • Requests route to bklt, the main Rails application where the business logic lives.
  • bklt-db is the Postgres database powering Booklet.
  • A queue for background jobs runs in a separate Redis instance, bklt-q, with disk-backed persistence.
  • Rate limiting is applied using bklt-throttle, a Redis instance with no persistence.
  • bklt-cache is a Memcached instance for caching. Memcached is simpler and more predictable than Redis for simple caching.
  • bklt-bg is a Rails application for background jobs. It reads jobs of bklt-q using Sidekiq. Most of its work is asynchronous email delivery and AI analysis.
  • Postmark sends emails. I've used Postmark for years, and I like it because it's simple and reliable.
  • bklt-logs forwards logs to Mezmo for storage and analysis.
  • AWS Cloudfront is the CDN that caches static assets.

Having two distinct Redis instances and a separate Memcached instance might seem more complex than just using one Redis for all tasks. However, in engineering terms, complexity is measured by the interdependence between systems. By employing independent systems for different functions, we make the system less complexed, thus simplifying scaling and troubleshooting. Each system has unique requirements, particularly in responding to memory or CPU shortages. Managing these responses is more straightforward when the systems are isolated. For example, bklt-q is set up to preserve data, bklt-cache is designed to remove old data regularly, and bklt-throttle is optimized for speed.


Booklet hosts on I chose because it allows you to distribute an application globally. I currently operate data centers in New Jersey and Los Angeles. Data centers are traditionally named using airport codes, so I refer to the data centers as ewr and lax in the diagrams. As traffic increases, I can add additional data centers around the world. So, if you're using Booklet in San Francisco, your requests route to Los Angeles instead of New Jersey, speeding up the response times. And, if I add many customers in Tokyo, I can spin up a nrt data center to speed up requests for those customers.

The issue with a distributed application is the CAP theorem, which means that real-time data syncing between data centers is nearly impossible to do safely. Google figured out how, but most common database technologies have yet to catch up. So, I opted to use a hybrid approach recommended by ewr is my primary data center, and lax is a read-only copy. So, if you're reading a Booklet post from San Francisco, you're reading from lax. But, if you're writing a post from San Francisco, that request forwards to ewr. Most requests are for reading data, not writing it - so this approach keeps the app snappy. Write requests are already slower than read requests because they have to write to a physical disk, so the additional latency of forwarding to ewr is less noticeable for these infrequent requests.

Fortunately, setting up this distributed application in Rails is trivial with the fly-ruby gem. It automatically handles all requests routing within the network to make this hybrid approach work.

Here's a diagram of the more advanced architecture:

Advanced architecture of Booklet

Because lax is a read-only data center, it only has a read-only copy of the Postgres database. I maintain local cache and rate-limiting infrastructure locally to speed up requests. However, I don't duplicate the queue logic right now - background jobs run out of ewr only for simplicity. The speed of enqueuing jobs from lax is a potential area of improvement.

Additional tools

How it's working

Overall, this stack has been fast. As a user, clicking around a community is snappy and pleasant.

Overall, I'm happy with I appreciate the low-level access it gives to machines. They're a startup with growing pains - I've had to manually restart machines or reroute traffic a few times due to a lack of auto-healing. But, with proper monitoring and alerting, I've made the system more stable.

The primary source of instability within Booklet has been occasional database connectivity issues. After encountering recurring database connectivity issues, I discovered that uses HAProxy in front of Postgres but doesn't document well that their HAProxy has a 30m timeout. So, occasionally, HAProxy would terminate an active database connection, Rails would not immediately reconnect, and the result would be 500 errors from a particular container. Fortunately, with some health check improvements and connection configuration changes, I've prevented the issue from affecting customers.

What's next

The next feature with infrastructure implications is search. Booklet users should be able to search posts, replies, and profiles.

I haven't finalized the approach yet, but it will likely involve Elasticsearch. However, I'm also investigating vector-based search as an alternative using OpenAI Embeddings and pgvector.

Eventually, I could see moving toward CockroachDB for a distributed database to improve latency and reliability further. But, the additional complexity is not worth it right now.


If Booklet's architecture meaningfully changes in the future, I'll publish a follow-up post.

If you have any questions or feedback, email me at And, if you're interested in trying Booklet, you can join an existing group or create your own for free.

The transition from indiehacking to micro companies

With the launch of in 2016, a counter-culture of startups emerged seeking to build businesses without venture capital funding. The trend followed established independent companies such as 37Signals, but also emerging makers such as and Danny Postma.

Seven years since the start of the trend, a polarizing discussion between Pieter Levels and Arvid Kahl asked whether indie hacking is dead. The evidence they present is that it's now mainstream, competitive, and saturated.

I have a different perspective. I believe that AI is causing a convergence of traditional startups and indie companies because AI decreases the cost of starting new software businesses dramatically. As "startup" and "indie" converge, we'll instead recognize a divergence of "micro" versus "growth" technology companies. AI will decrease the cost of starting new software companies so much that many will become profitable before pitching VCs, and these companies be able to decide whether to stay small or to raise money for growth. With these changes, "Micro" will become the new "Indie."

In Oslo this week, I enjoyed visiting one of my favorite coffee companies, Tim Wendelboe. The business started in 2007 and has grown to be an influential coffee brand served by discerning customers such as top restaurant Noma. With this success, Tim Wendelboe still has a single cafe location. I saw his company described as a "Micro roaster," and that's where the inspiration for this essay came from. Between quantity and quality, this company chose a craft mindset - to stay small and focus on quality instead of growth. Compare this to a coffee roaster like Starbucks, which scaled to multiple locations and gradually offered commoditized products instead of specialty ones. I'm sure Tim Wendelboe could pursue more locations and scale, but doing so would compromise the quality - and its customers might change. "Micro" companies already exist outside of technology, and represent a focus on quality instead of scale that customers appreciate.

The word "Indie" describes companies that don't raise external money. But, the definition is blurry - The Hustle described itself as "Bootstrapped" because, though it raised money, it was a relatively small amount from individuals instead of from institutional venture capitalists. Then, The Hustle stayed small and capital-efficient, which made its exit a major success for the founders. At the other end of the scale are businesses that achieved scale without raising money, but later chose to raise investment. Take GitHub, which raised no external money for years, building a large book of recurring revenue as an "indie" company. But, this indie approach gave GitHub access to minimally dilutive capital, and in 2012 they raised a first round of funding of $100m at nearly a billion-dollar valuation. Companies can raise some money, but stay indie - or, inversely, start indie but then raise growth capital.

The nature of software businesses is that they are expensive to design and develop, but inexpensive to scale. They have high upfront costs and zero marginal costs. For example, if I make an iPhone app for editing photos, then that app has the same development cost whether 1, 1k, or 1m people buy and use it - but the revenue is a function of the number of users.

Software businesses typically have two phases - a development phase, where they iteratively make a product until they have figured out something that customers want. What follows is a scaling phase, where the unit economics of the business are positive, so the company needs to decide and how to grow. Within growth, the general idea is to "spend money to make money" - whether using ads, marketing, sales, or new features to attract new customers or increase revenue from existing customers. Typically, the scaling phase is where you see companies raise large amounts of venture capital - any investment over $5m is typically for growth, not initial development.

"Indie" has typically referred to businesses that try to raise little or no money to develop their product. This attracts motivated builders, who typically make a product themselves, whether by coding or using low-code tools. Capital constraints filter for founders who have a specific vision of what to build and can fulfill that vision. Indie founders have a reputation for being scrappy and bohemian in their approaches to business, in contrast to VC-backed founders who want to project a more polished facade to potential investors.

What has changed in the last year is AI. While casual users may see ChatGPT as an amusing tool for writing emails or memos, it has begun to dramatically change how software gets written. Experienced engineers who embrace tools such as Cursor can more efficiently design and build complicated systems in much less time, turning them into "cyborgs". In the past, a software team would be built with two senior developers to design the systems, four junior developers to implement the code, a project manager to handle work distribution, and a people manager to help with hiring and teamwork. With AI, a senior engineer can give directions to an AI agent instead of junior developers - thus making the rest of the team redundant. In short, AI is turning senior engineers into one-person teams. This isn't the future - it's happening right now, and my one-person software company is an example of the productivity gains that AI can afford.

With AI productivity advances, the amount of capital required to start most software businesses is dramatically plummeting. Unless you're building physical products or developing moonshot intellectual property, I believe the cost of making a new software startup will decrease by 50-90%. This means that most startups will have pressure to raise significantly less capital if any at all. People with compelling ideas can just go build a prototype to validate their hypothesis, instead of needing millions in funding just to launch a minimally viable product. People will no longer waste lots of money and time pursuing bad ideas - the market will be able to offer concrete feedback much earlier in the process

With the decrease in upfront costs due to AI, the majority of technology companies will look like what we call "indie" today. These companies may still raise a small amount of money, but it will primarily be to cover the salaries of three or four people, rather than 20. My prediction is that investors will write smaller seed checks more frequently, but that the total amount of seed funding will decrease.

As "indie"-style building becomes the norm, most companies will first consider raising venture capital after they have initial traction. Among startups that get traction, this capital can be spent to double down on growth. However, the smaller headcounts of these more efficient companies mean that companies can achieve profitability sooner in their lifecycles. With a smaller team, you need less revenue to break even on costs. Over time, the timing of profitability will converge with opportunities to raise growth funding - meaning that the need for capital will no longer be urgent or existential. Historically, $10k in monthly recurring revenue is a Schelling point among seed investors that a startup that has achieved reasonable traction to raise additional capital. But, that $10k MRR line can now mean profitability for a tiny team.

The convergence of profitability and growth funding opportunities means that startups can decide whether to stay "micro" or chase growth. And, increasingly - instead of a division between "traditional startups" and "indiehackers", we'll see a division between "micro" versus "growth" startups. Micro companies will choose to stay small and focus on profitability, craft, quality, and lifestyle. Growth companies will invest external capital into more revenue, more markets, more products, and more team members in pursuit of a larger outcome.

This shift toward smaller seed rounds will catch many repeat founders off guard. Over the past decade, building a startup required raising a lot of money upfront. So, the system naturally selected founders who were good at impressing investors and raising money. But, some of these founders lacked the skills to build a business and make something that customers wanted. I've personally observed founders raise and spend over $10m before investors realized that no product traction was being made.

Lower upfront funding and more growth funding create a more egalitarian building environment, where founders will have to compete for customer attention instead of investor adoration. And, this happens to be exactly what the Indie community exemplifies today - founders who put their energy into impressing customers instead of impressing investors. With this shift, I think you will see the "indie" outcasts of today become the same companies that go on to raise large growth rounds of capital in the future. More companies will follow the GitHub model of proving market demand with minimal capital, and investors will seek evidence of traction before meaningfully investing. Innovative venture capital funds are already exploring this market - such as and Calm Company Fund. But, soon all the traditional funds will be competing for these deals.

Indie isn't dead - it's becoming the norm. AI means that founders need significantly less capital to start a company. Investors will expect firm evidence of traction to raise venture capital. But, traction will also converge with profitability for most of these startups. So, more companies will have the choice of whether to stay "micro", or whether to raise money in pursuit of a growth path. This change in incentives will benefit founders who can build and show traction with minimal or no funding, which happens to be the indie community today. But, more "indie" founders may begin to raise venture capital in pursuit of growth - while others may make the intentional decision to stay micro.

It will be an exciting few years for software companies. But, I'm excited to see more small, craft-focused software companies. Tim Wendelboe's coffee is fantastic because he chose to stay small, and pursuing a niche created a customer community passionate about his product. I'm excited that AI will lead to more, smaller software companies - which will increase the diversity of products and business models available to customers.